“Vijf weken in een luchtballon” (Five Weeks in a Balloon) is one of Jules Verne’s early masterpieces and an integral part of his Voyages Extraordinaires series. In this exhilarating adventure, the story follows a daring expedition across Africa in a hot air balloon. Led by the intrepid Dr. Fergusson, along with his companions, the team sets out to explore the uncharted interior of the continent, encountering wild landscapes and unpredictable weather along the way.
As the group faces numerous challenges, Verne’s remarkable attention to detail in portraying the scientific possibilities of balloon travel blends seamlessly with his flair for high-stakes adventure. This novel captures the spirit of exploration and the thirst for discovery, showcasing Verne’s genius in imagining new frontiers of technology and human ambition. A must-have for fans of Verne’s adventurous spirit and groundbreaking exploration narratives.
€ 26,00
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